
  • Seite 1 von 5
      Bild:  A CNN Acceleration Framework for FPGA-SoC

      A CNN Acceleration Framework for FPGA-SoC

      Bettina Wyss

          Bild:  Spitzenlastdeckung des neuen Campus der HSLU in Horw

          Spitzenlastdeckung des neuen Campus der HSLU in Horw

          Timon Suter

              Bild:  NN-based Person Detection using Transfer Learning with Synthetic Images

              NN-based Person Detection using Transfer Learning with Synthetic Images

              Odysseas Liagouris

                  Bild:  Generation of packed bed structures to assess shape effects of various geometries

                  Generation of packed bed structures to assess shape effects of various geometries

                  Adina Hochuli (TA)

                      Bild:  How Sizing of Thermal Energy Storage affects District Heating Networks and the Decarbonisation of Energy Demand substituting Peak Load with Base Load

                      How Sizing of Thermal Energy Storage affects District Heating Networks and the Decarbonisation of Energy Demand substituting Peak Load with Base Load

                      Stefan Mennel (TA)

                          Bild:  Moderne Methoden der Erdbebenbemessung von Hochbauten

                          Moderne Methoden der Erdbebenbemessung von Hochbauten

                          Danijela Markoš

                              Bild:  Innovating the field technician experience in the business ecosystem for smart digital services

                              Innovating the field technician experience in the business ecosystem for smart digital services

                              Pilar Gil Fombella

                                  Bild:  Neues Deckensystem für den Hochbau

                                  Neues Deckensystem für den Hochbau

                                  Mauro Cadonau

                                      Bild:  Alternative zur Chinegga-Brücke in Stalden VS – Entwurf und Bemessung einer Bogenbrücke

                                      Alternative zur Chinegga-Brücke in Stalden VS – Entwurf und Bemessung einer Bogenbrücke

                                      Martin Büeler

                                          Bild:  Blanket Cooling of a Fusion Reactor

                                          Blanket Cooling of a Fusion Reactor

                                          Robert Beaufait (TA)

                                              Bild:  Performance Margin Estimation based on Motion Primitives for an Agricultural Robot

                                              Performance Margin Estimation based on Motion Primitives for an Agricultural Robot

                                              Daniel Ribeiro Holanda Lima,

                                                  Bild:  Competitive Intelligence in agilen Innovationsprozessen

                                                  Competitive Intelligence in agilen Innovationsprozessen

                                                  Markus-Antonio Sager