Due to technological change, globalization and shifting employee expectations, working “on the go” has gained extensive popularity. Being able to work almost everywhere, people occupy a wide variety of spaces such as coffee spots, libraries, schools, and even public transport. Unable to control this new way of working hosts of spaces are struggling to control the use of their space resulting in blocking plugs, the WiFi or asking people to leave. Often resulting in a mismatch between the user’s needs and available space, people keep struggling how and where to find the right space for them.
ZYT is there to connect people to their perfect space. By using real-time data and customizable preferences the process is made as easy and sufficient as possible. Besides the discovery function, ZYT can also facilitate the use for both parties. Making it possible to reserve a spot or even pay for the use on a pay-per-minute basis. Just Tick-In and you’re ready to go. By allowing users to communicate with each other ZYT also helps you to broaden your network or to team-up, showing where your connections are working.
Non-binäre Menschen identifizieren sich nicht (ausschliesslich) mit einer der tradierten Geschlechterrollen. Nachdem genderneutrale Mode längst die breite Masse erreicht hat, beleuchtet diese Arbeit genderqueere Repräsentationsformen der rein textilen Art. Es soll Sichtbarkeit für Personen mit einem mehrdeutigen Geschlechterausdruck geschaffen werden, damit sich deren Existenz und Auftreten normalisiert und in der Gesellschaft Akzeptanz findet.
Um die Vorlieben, Wünsche und Ansprüche der Gruppe zu erschliessen, wurden sieben non-binäre Personen zu (Selbst-)repräsentation, zu Textilien und ihren Hintergründen befragt. Die Auswertung der Gespräche legte die Grundlage für Stickerei- und Druckentwürfe, welche non-binäre Menschen bestärken und die Gesellschaft zum Nachdenken über Geschlecht anregen sollen. Menschliche Diversität wird durch textile Vielfalt reflektiert.
Nonbinary people identify themselves (mainly) outside of traditional gender roles. At a point in time where gender-neutral fashion has long reached a wide public, this project examines genderqueer forms of representation of a purely textile nature. The aim is to create visibility for people with a wide variety of gender expressions so that their existence and appearance achieves a normalcy and social acceptance. In order to chart the preferences, desires and claims of the group, seven nonbinary people were canvassed about (self-)representation, textiles and their backgrounds. The evaluation of the conversations formed the basis for embroidery and printed-cloth designs, intended to strengthen nonbinary people and stimulate wider social reflections about gender. Human diversity is mirrored in textile variety.
BA-Arbeit schriftlich: Alexis Schwarzenbach
BA-Arbeit künstlerisch-gestalterisch: Franziska Born