Leveraging Demand-Side Management and Deregulated Market System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Insights from aComparative Analysis
Edoardo Andreoli
Monitoring of the Urban heat mitigation potential of Green Roofs
Manaswini Jayakumar
Kreislaufwirtschaft in der Elektronikindustrie Eine Fallstudie am Beispiel der SCHURTER AG
Markus Kötter
A critical assessment of lifecycle emission estimation methods including the impact of circularity approaches :A case study analysis of beverage cup materials.
Moritz Amsler
T e c h n o- e c o n o mi c a s s e s s m e nt of e n e r g y st o r a g e s ol uti o n s: A c a s e st u d y i n c e nt r al S wit z e rl a n d
Reto Kaufmann
Assessing the Effectiveness of the Energiestadt Label
Maria-Eleni Papaefthymiou
Design and sourcing strategy of PV-system for water well in Mongolia
Rui Manuel Gueidão Marques
Heating Solution Analysis of Gasthaus Göscheneralp
Clint Christen
Business model innovation for the Swiss PV market
Prince Joy Kappani
Energy Self-Sufficient Switzerland by 2050
James Hock
Economic Analysis of Energy Concept for Campus Horw
Martina Tomyslak
Potentialanalyse zur Entwicklung des Schweizer Wasserstoffmarktes in der Mobilität