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      Bild:  Pneumothorax-Segmentation and Volumetrics in computed tomography (CT) scans

      Pneumothorax-Segmentation and Volumetrics in computed tomography (CT) scans

      Pascal Tschümperlin

          Bild:  XIL Concept Development for Building Technology Products Belimo Automation AG

          XIL Concept Development for Building Technology Products Belimo Automation AG

          Rachel Sprecher

              Bild:  The Challenges of Municipalities during the Energy Transition

              The Challenges of Municipalities during the Energy Transition

              Yves Hauert

                  Bild:  Corporate Venturing for Swiss SMEs in the energy sector

                  Corporate Venturing for Swiss SMEs in the energy sector

                  Cyrril Portmann

                      Bild:  Design, test and improvement of a vortex flow turbine for developing countries

                      Design, test and improvement of a vortex flow turbine for developing countries

                      Jonas Ritz

                          Bild:  Design and sourcing strategy of PV-system for water well in Mongolia

                          Design and sourcing strategy of PV-system for water well in Mongolia

                          Rui Manuel Gueidão Marques

                              Bild:  Energy Retrofit of a Housing Estate

                              Energy Retrofit of a Housing Estate

                              Atul Mundakattu

                                  Bild:  Heating Solution Analysis of Gasthaus Göscheneralp

                                  Heating Solution Analysis of Gasthaus Göscheneralp

                                  Clint Christen

                                      Bild:  Thermal Optimization of 70 Residential Units in Ennetbürgen by Means of Building Energy Simulation

                                      Thermal Optimization of 70 Residential Units in Ennetbürgen by Means of Building Energy Simulation

                                      Paula Frey

                                          Bild:  Embedded Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks

                                          Embedded Object Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks

                                          Cyrill Durrer

                                              Bild:  Energy Self-Sufficient Switzerland by 2050

                                              Energy Self-Sufficient Switzerland by 2050

                                              James Hock

                                                  Bild:  Business model innovation for the Swiss PV market

                                                  Business model innovation for the Swiss PV market

                                                  Prince Joy Kappani

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