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      Bild:  Rethinking Otium

      Rethinking Otium

      Rinor Rushiti

          Bild:  “Anomalies of the Landscape”

          “Anomalies of the Landscape”

          Art Lubishtani

              Bild:  Dual-Wound Electric Motor for Aviation

              Dual-Wound Electric Motor for Aviation

              Julia Chithilappilly

                  Bild:  Implementation of Chimera framework in a Control Volume Finite Element based code using a fully coupled implicit pressure based solver

                  Implementation of Chimera framework in a Control Volume Finite Element based code using a fully coupled implicit pressure based solver

                  Fabio Asaro

                      Bild:  Leveraging Demand-Side Management and Deregulated Market System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Insights from aComparative Analysis

                      Leveraging Demand-Side Management and Deregulated Market System for Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: Insights from aComparative Analysis

                      Edoardo Andreoli

                          Bild:  Play to Earn: A Business Model Framework for Blockchain-based Gaming

                          Play to Earn: A Business Model Framework for Blockchain-based Gaming

                          Luca Grossmann

                              Bild:  Kitchen handle coatings - Requirements and testing

                              Kitchen handle coatings - Requirements and testing

                              Jonas Berchtold

                                  Bild:  A critical assessment of lifecycle emission estimation methods including the impact of circularity approaches :A case study analysis of beverage cup materials.

                                  A critical assessment of lifecycle emission estimation methods including the impact of circularity approaches :A case study analysis of beverage cup materials.

                                  Moritz Amsler

                                      Bild:  MCU-Link Energy Aware Debugging

                                      MCU-Link Energy Aware Debugging

                                      Peter Allenspach

                                          Bild:  Unsupervised Speech Recognition for Swiss German

                                          Unsupervised Speech Recognition for Swiss German

                                          Manuel Vogel

                                              Bild:  HW/SW-Codesign of a tightly-coupled coprocessor for LTC neural networks

                                              HW/SW-Codesign of a tightly-coupled coprocessor for LTC neural networks

                                              Andreas Rebsamen

                                                  Bild:  Elemental microanalysis of lunar analog materials with laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser-induced XUV spectroscopy (LIXS) under vacuum conditions.

                                                  Elemental microanalysis of lunar analog materials with laserinduced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) and laser-induced XUV spectroscopy (LIXS) under vacuum conditions.

                                                  Nivethika Komathinathan

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