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Als Grundlage dient das Projekt aus dem interdisziplinären Projektmoduls des Bachelor+.\r\nZu diesem Zweck wird eine Analyse der Raumklimatischen Bedingungen der Büroräumlichkeiten\r\ndurchgeführt. Es zeigt sich, dass die Büroräumlichkeiten bereits ab einer Aussentemperatur von fünf Grad\r\neinen Kühlbedarf aufweisen. Das Lüftungssystem soll das Kühlsystem entlasten und mit einer Untertemperatur\r\nin den Raum einblasen. Der Variantenvergleich berücksichtigt wirtschaftliche Kriterien wie Kapitalkosten,\r\nWartungs-, Unterhalts und Energiekosten, sowie ökologische Kriterien wie Graue Energie, die zur\r\nHerstellung und Entsorgung des Lüftungssystem anfallen. Als Referenzvariante dient ein zentrales Lüftungsgerät,\r\nmit dem die anderen Lüftungsvarianten verglichen werden.\r\nEs stellt sich heraus, dass die Varianten Abluftanlage mit Nachströmung in der Fassade und Brüstungslüftungsgeräte\r\nbesser geeignet sind als ein zentrales Lüftungsgerät. Bei der Abluftanlage ist die Erfüllung der\r\nBedingungen der Luftströmung im Raum, Brandschutz, Schallschutz und Wärmerückgewinnung gegenüber\r\nder Referenzvariante kritischer. Die Referenzvariante zentrales Lüftungsgerät schneidet im Vergleich auch\r\ngut ab.\r\nAbschliessend wird die Auswirkung steigenden CO2-Konzentration in der Aussenluft auf das Lüftungskonzept\r\nanhand der Referenzvariante aufgezeigt. Bei gleichbleibender Luftmenge ist in den Büroräumlichkeiten\r\neine Erhöhung der CO2-Konzentration von 1'400 ppm auf 1'600 ppm zu erwarten. Soll die maximale Konzentration\r\nvon 1'400 ppm gehalten werden, ist mit dem Erhöhen des Volumenstroms ein mehr als 1.46-facher\r\nhöherer Elektrizitätsverbrauch der Ventilatoren zu erwarten.\r\n\r\nIn this bachelor thesis the optimal air renewal system and its position has to be developed for a high-rise\r\noffice building. The project from the interdisciplinary project module of the Bachelor+ serves as a basis. For\r\nthis purpose, an analysis of the climatic conditions of the office space has been carried out. The results show\r\nthat the office rooms need cooling already from an outside temperature of five degrees. The ventilation system\r\nshould relieve the cooling system and blow into the room with an under temperature. The comparison of\r\nvariants considers economic criteria such as capital costs, maintenance, servicing and energy costs, as well\r\nas ecological criteria such as grey energy, which is used for the production and disposal of the ventilation\r\nsystem. A central ventilation unit serves as a reference variant, with which the other ventilation variants are\r\ncompared to.\r\nIt turns out that the variants exhaust air system with secondary air flow in the facade and sill ventilation units\r\nare more suitable than a central ventilation unit. With the exhaust air system, the fulfilment of the conditions\r\nof air flow in the room, fire protection, sound insulation and heat recovery are more critical compared to the\r\nreference variant. The reference variant central ventilation unit still scores well.\r\nFinally, the effect of an increasing CO2 concentration in the outside air on the ventilation concept is shown\r\nusing the reference variant. With a constant air volume, an increase in the CO2 concentration from 1’400 to\r\n1’600 ppm is to be expected in the offices. If the maximum concentration of 1’400 ppm shall maintain, an\r\nincrease in the volume flow is expected to increase the electricity consumption of the fans by a factor of more\r\nthan 1.46.", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_core:copyright_notice": { "@value": "Germann Alin, Hochschule Luzern - Departement Technik & Architektur", "@type": "madek:Text" }, "madek_institution:project-expert": { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/people/69a11c88-4206-45e3-a09e-b546ecc0df1e" }, "madek_institution:field_of_department": { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/e02dca77-c61e-48af-be55-0bbb8a6d916a" }, "madek_institution:field_of_study": { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/6ba43200-a2a6-4452-b7e4-7a0b3aab386a" }, "madek_core:title": { "@value": "Optimale Lufterneuerungssysteme für ein Bürohochhaus", "@type": "madek:Text" } }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:format", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Format" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Format" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "z.B. 237 x 170 cm" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "E.g. 237 x 170 cm" } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:language", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Sprache" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Language" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_creative_work:location", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Ort" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Place" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_rights:lizenzierung", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Lizenzierung" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Licence" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Wird bei einer Veröffentlichung durch die HSLU bestätigt. Verwendung der Arbeit: Namensnennung – Nicht-kommerziell – Keine Bearbeitung" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "If publication on website only. Confirmation by HSLU. CC-BY-NC-ND." } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_rights:classification", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Klassifikation" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Classification" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_rights:web_statement", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Hinweis zu Rechtsgrundlagen" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Notes on legal basis" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Im Merkblatt unter Hilfe finden Sie den Link zur Studienordnung der HSLU." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "See Academic Ordinance Governing." } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:authors", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Autor/in" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Author" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:project_leader", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Betreuer/Betreuerin" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Supervisor" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Es sind alle Betreuer/Betreuerinnnen aufzuführen." }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Show all supervisors" } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:portrayed_object_date", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Datierung" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Date" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_institution:project_type", "rdfs:label": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": "Art der Arbeit" }, { "@language": "en", "@value": "Type of assignment" } ], "rdfs:comment": [ { "@language": "de", "@value": null }, { "@language": "en", "@value": null } ] }, { "@type": "madek:MetaKey", "@id": "madek_core:description", "rdfs:label": [ { 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"https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/b8c0e49f-b096-451e-80a2-c7662e8d5812", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Nutzungsbedingungen: Das Werk darf nur mit Einwilligung des Autors/Rechteinhabers weiterverwendet werden." }, { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/1cc7a5b5-85bd-405f-9fc4-af99c6f880fd", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "öffentlich" }, { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/b6725459-379b-4b85-b8cf-273fbbeb9265", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Studienordnung für die Ausbildung an der Hochschule Luzern, FH Zentralschweiz" }, { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/a2ef2e97-1d72-4123-9b84-e3079b2ebeb2", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Bachelorarbeit" }, { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/e02dca77-c61e-48af-be55-0bbb8a6d916a", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Technik & Architektur" }, { "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/vocabulary/keyword/6ba43200-a2a6-4452-b7e4-7a0b3aab386a", "@type": "madek:Keyword", "rdfs:label": "Gebäudetechnik I Energie" }, { "@type": "madek:Person", "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/people/1b0345f1-c248-46d0-a2f9-35a79fa1ff53", "rdfs:label": "Alin Germann" }, { "@type": "madek:Person", "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/people/996895a4-f994-456b-8da6-fcc49610c99a", "rdfs:label": "Adrian Altenburger (TA)" }, { "@type": "madek:Person", "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/people/d8aa7750-8dc2-4f87-8ce7-e7f43746fd96", "rdfs:label": "Matthias Balmer (TA)" }, { "@type": "madek:Person", "@id": "https://portfoliodb.hslu.ch/people/69a11c88-4206-45e3-a09e-b546ecc0df1e", "rdfs:label": "Bruno Soder" }, { "@id": "madek:MetaKey", "@type": "rdf:Property" }, { "@id": "madek:Role", "@type": "rdf:Property" } ] }