@prefix Keyword: . @prefix madek: . @prefix madek_core: . @prefix madek_institution: . @prefix madek_rights: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . a madek:MediaEntry; madek_institution:field_of_department Keyword:d05dc23f-551e-4c10-8b92-1499d7edb031; madek_institution:field_of_study Keyword:23d23e45-f135-4f7b-8c2e-6676959c9398; madek_institution:project_leader ; madek_institution:project_type Keyword:50110184-dc50-4f29-b456-e81e5e640598; madek_core:authors ; madek_core:copyright_notice "Hochschule Luzern - Design & Kunst"^^madek:Text; madek_core:description "In this relational work in the form of a Performative Installation, I aimed to recreate the “safe environment” of my kitchen/art-studio in a public space, namely the Jugend Buero Office in Emmen, Luzern. Using a photographic printed collage of the real kitchen walls as a backdrop, I created the environment with furniture, plants and objects from my real kitchen and stocked myself with lots of art-material, musical instruments and refreshments."^^madek:Text; madek_core:portrayed_object_date "2016"^^madek:TextDate; madek_core:subtitle "A PERFORMATIVE INSTALLATION "^^madek:Text; madek_core:title "EMMENLICH "^^madek:Text; madek_rights:classification Keyword:1cc7a5b5-85bd-405f-9fc4-af99c6f880fd; madek_rights:lizenzierung Keyword:f9e075c7-4438-40ae-a720-38ee90913d26; madek_rights:web_statement Keyword:b6725459-379b-4b85-b8cf-273fbbeb9265 . madek:Role a rdf:Property . madek_institution:field_of_department a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Departement"@de, "School"@en . madek_institution:field_of_study a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Studiengang/Studienrichtung"@de, "Programme/Specialisation"@en . madek_institution:project_leader a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Betreuer/Betreuerin"@de, "Supervisor"@en; rdfs:comment "Es sind alle Betreuer/Betreuerinnnen aufzuführen."@de, "Show all supervisors"@en . madek_institution:project_type a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Art der Arbeit"@de, "Type of assignment"@en . madek_core:authors a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Autor/in"@de, "Author"@en . madek_core:copyright_notice a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Urheberrechtshinweis"@de, "Copyright Notice"@en . madek_core:description a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Beschreibung"@de, "Description"@en . madek_core:portrayed_object_date a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Datierung"@de, "Date"@en . madek_core:subtitle a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Untertitel"@de, "Subtitle"@en . madek_core:title a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Titel"@de, "Title"@en . madek_rights:classification a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Klassifikation"@de, "Classification"@en . madek_rights:lizenzierung a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Lizenzierung"@de, "Licence"@en; rdfs:comment "Wird bei einer Veröffentlichung durch die HSLU bestätigt. Verwendung der Arbeit: Namensnennung – Nicht-kommerziell – Keine Bearbeitung"@de, "If publication on website only. Confirmation by HSLU. CC-BY-NC-ND."@en . madek_rights:web_statement a madek:MetaKey; rdfs:label "Hinweis zu Rechtsgrundlagen"@de, "Notes on legal basis"@en; rdfs:comment "Im Merkblatt unter Hilfe finden Sie den Link zur Studienordnung der HSLU."@de, "See Academic Ordinance Governing."@en . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Lena Eriksson (DK)" . a madek:Person; rdfs:label "Habib Ahmed Afsar" . Keyword:1cc7a5b5-85bd-405f-9fc4-af99c6f880fd a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "öffentlich" . Keyword:23d23e45-f135-4f7b-8c2e-6676959c9398 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Master of Arts in Fine Arts" . Keyword:50110184-dc50-4f29-b456-e81e5e640598 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Masterarbeit" . Keyword:b6725459-379b-4b85-b8cf-273fbbeb9265 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Studienordnung für die Ausbildung an der Hochschule Luzern, FH Zentralschweiz" . Keyword:d05dc23f-551e-4c10-8b92-1499d7edb031 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Design Film Kunst" . Keyword:f9e075c7-4438-40ae-a720-38ee90913d26 a madek:Keyword; rdfs:label "Creative Commons Lizenz: CC-BY-NC-ND" . madek:MetaKey a rdf:Property .